Air Source Heat Pumps: What Are They and Should I Get One?

Air Source Heat Pump

Air source heat pumps are a popular choice in the UK for many households. In this article, we look at what they are, how they work and whether you should consider them for your home.

What is an air source heat pump?

An air source heat pump is a device that uses the air around it to heat or cool a space. The device works by taking in air from the outside and either heating or cooling it, depending on the needs of the space. The heat pump can be used to heat a home or office, as well as to cool it.

There are two types of air source heat pumps: those that use the air to directly heat or cool the space, and those that use the air to indirectly heat or cool the space. The latter type is more common, as it is more efficient. In an indirect system, the air from outside is used to power a refrigerant system that then heats or cools the space.

The main advantage of an air source heat pump is that it is much more efficient than other heating and cooling systems. It also does not produce any emissions, making it a very environmentally friendly option. Heat pumps are also relatively easy to install and maintain.

How do they work?

Air source heat pumps are powered by electricity and work by transferring heat from the air outside into your home. The pump contains a refrigerant that evaporates at low temperatures, absorbing heat from the air as it does so. This vapor is then compressed, causing it to become hot, and is passed through a condenser where it transfers its heat to the water circulating through the system.

Do they save energy?

Air source heat pumps are said to be more energy efficient than other types of heating systems, but how much energy do they actually save?

According to Which, you could save anywhere up to £1410 a year on your energy bills when making the switch to an air source heat pump. 

Of course, your actual savings will depend on a number of factors, including your current heating system, the size and efficiency of your heat pump, and how well your home is insulated. But if you’re looking for a way to cut down on your energy bills, an air source heat pump is definitely worth considering.

The effect on the environment

Air source heat pumps are becoming increasingly popular as a way to heat and cool homes. But what are they and how do they affect the environment?

Heat pumps have been used for many years in a variety of settings, but air source heat pumps are a relatively new technology. Air source heat pumps work by transferring heat from the air outside to the air inside your home. In the summer, they can be used to cool your home by moving heat out of your house and into the ground or into the air. In the winter, they can be used to heat your home by moving heat from the ground or air into your house.

Because air source heat pumps don’t rely on gas like traditional boilers, they are much better for the environment in comparison. It’s estimated that Installing a heat pump could cut your carbon emissions by more than 23 tonnes of CO2 over 10 years.

So all in all, the environmental benefits all stack up. But what about the benefits to your home?

What are the benefits of a heat pump to your home?

A heat pump can offer many benefits to your home, including improved comfort, lower energy bills, and a smaller carbon footprint.

Heat pumps work by transferring heat from one place to another, using a refrigerant gas. In the summer, they transfer heat from your home into the outdoors, helping to keep your home cool. In the winter, they do the reverse, taking heat from the outdoors and bringing it indoors.

This process is much more efficient than traditional heating and cooling systems, which generate their own heat or cold air. As a result, heat pumps can help you save money on your energy bills.

Heat pumps also have a smaller carbon footprint than other heating and cooling options. This is because they don’t use fossil fuels to generate their own heat or cold air.

If you’re considering a new heating and cooling system for your home, a heat pump is definitely worth considering. It can offer significant benefits in terms of comfort, cost savings, and environmental friendliness.

Are heat pumps safe for your home and belongings?

Heat pumps are safe for your home and belongings as they do not emit any harmful gases or chemicals. They are also very efficient, meaning that they use less energy to heat your home than other traditional heating methods.


Who should get a heat pump and when should you buy one?

If you want to improve your home’s energy efficiency and lower your carbon footprint, then an air source heat pump could be a good option. 

While heat pumps can be a great investment, there are a few things to consider before purchasing one. It’s important to keep in mind is that heat pumps require a well-insulated home in order to work effectively. If your home is not properly insulated, it may be beneficial to look at insulation options to get the most out of your new system.

Also, when purchasing a heat pump, it’s important to buy one that is the right size for your home. A too-small unit will have to work harder and won’t be as efficient, while a too-large unit will be less effective and cost more to operate.

If you need assistance in choosing the right air source heat pump, then talk to the experts at Godiva Build. We will make sure your system is calculated to give you the best possible outcome. 


Air source heat pumps are a type of renewable energy system that can help you save money on your heating and cooling costs. If you live in an area with a moderate climate, an air source heat pump may be a good option for you. Be sure to do your research to see if an air source heat pump is the right choice for your home before making any decisions.

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